Full Day
12 hours
Service Description
** Schedule for Venue bookings are not online. Please call for Schedule availability** - Outside Catering is welcomed. No outside alcohol allowed. - Security Service is provided by St. Joe County Police Dept. at an additional charge and are required for most events. - No refund for cancellations or rescheduled event dates within 30 days.. No credit will be issued if cancelled within 14 business days of scheduled event. - We accept PayPal, Cash app, Cash, Venmo and Square.
Cancellation Policy
*Bookings available for Consultations and Venue Visits only ** Schedule for Venue bookings are not online. Please call for schedule availability** - No refund for cancellations or rescheduled event dates within 45 days.. No credit will be issued if canceled within 14 business days of the scheduled event. - We accept Credit car,, PayPal, Cash app, Cash, Venmo and Square..
Contact Details
Majestic on the River, 121 S Niles Ave, South Bend, IN 46617, USA